The crown jewel of Black Desert is its flashy combat that has incredible animations for each unique weapon and skill type. Each one is uniquely crafted to be completely different from the last. Currently, there are twenty-four classes in Black Desert. The game is filled with content and character classes for players to explore and level up. Just go with whatever looks like something you may enjoy.Black Desertis one of the most stunning MMORPGs ever released. PvP whether you choose to play it or not, will show you more skills and their various applications. PvE grinding only shows so much of what you'll be doing.

The best thing you can do is look up videos for each class at awakening (PvE grinding and PvP).

People almost always confuse grind speed with actual speed in terms of mobility. I recommend going soley based on aesthetic, appearance, and playstyle and ignore anyone that mentions "speed". Use this as a sort of introductory class to figure out the game till you're somewhat comfortable and then begin trying other classes. The best class is the one YOU enjoy and most fits your preferred playstyle. This is one of the things that can make this class even less gear dependent as it is, but it's also good for newer players unfamiliar with enemy attack patterns or keeping them locked down. It aggros enemies and reduces their DP making them much easier to deal with. The other thing is their Red Orb AKA "Magic Lighthouse". Most classes have some kind of healing or self-sustain, but Witch and Wizards are the only ones as far as I know that can just heal themselves at will eliminating the need for potions outside of getting CCed. Witch and Wizard pre-awakening also both have an easy to use utility heal spell. You can Shift+RMB for Chain Lightning all the way to 50 and beyond if you want to. The Witch pre-awk is also pretty slow yet strong and easy to use. What sets Witch apart is how their skills have a much stronger unique identity among themselves (eg: Fireball, Ice thing, Chain Lightning) so it's easier to remember which can be a challenge for new players getting familiar with the kind of inputs BDO has as opposed to left-slash or left-slashier-up-slash. Not because it's good even though it is and while it's not the best, generally the "best class" is not what is better for newer players. Wizard is the same as Witch pre-awakening, but Witch is definitely a bit easier than Wiz at 56. Definitely Witch because of their awakening and pre-awakening skills.